The parcels In our production areas, rapeseed crops are not much widespread, therefore it is possible to make excellent rotations and isolations, which help obtain seeds with optimal varietal purity. The sowing The sowing is done by air-pump sowing machines in mid-September. Both the female and the male lines are sowed at the same time, with a ratio of 18 : 6. The distance between the lines is 45 cm. The distance between the male and the female lines is 100 cm on both sides, in order to facilitate the trimming of 50% of the male line at the beginning of the flowering stage and its total destruction at the end of the female line's flowering, with the aim of avoiding accidental blending when harvesting.
The crop In order to ensure a good nicking between the female and the male lines' flowering stage, and to have enough pollen until the end of the female line flowering, 50% of the male line is trimmed. Trimming is done at the beginning of flowering by cutting the male line plants at a height of 40 cm. The Seed processing
After the harvest, the seed is immediately delivered to our warehouse and, after drying, the cleaning process starts. We have equipped our processing tower with up-to-date selection, treating and packing machinery, which allow us to offer a complete service for CE/OECD/ISTA seed certification and packing either in big bags or in ready-for-delivery doses. Last but not least, thanks to our climate conditions and our great industrial capacity, we harvest in June, so that the seed can be packed and certified in good time for the autumn sowings.
Brassicacee - RapeSeed |