Quality Assurance

Barcode Management

Thanks to the new software called Infinity, we have introduced a complete control tool of the whole production process, by a barcode system. Since the arrival of the contract, until the final phase of shipment of the goods, everything is traceable. Beside the usual inspections of our agronomists and of the staff in charge of processing and packing, each step is computer-monitored by integrated barcodes.


Field check

Our agronomists control strictly that all crops are isolated at safe distance, which is variable according to the species, from other crops. Since January 2012, this operation is checked also by inserting all fields into Google Earth maps by their GPS coordinates. In Italy there are strict laws regulating seed production which compel all seed-production companies to report their fields. With our system, we have the possibility of inserting also other companies' fields, in order to be sure that isolations are well-done.

Beside these preventive measures, from 10 days before the flowering and during this whole stage, we check the fields continuously, we remove potential plants which are bolting-on-seed on nearby domestic gardens, spontaneous plants belonging to the same botanical variety or volunteer plants in nearby crops.

From March to July, for the different species, there are always 4 groups devoted specifically to the isolation of our crops.


Processing supervision

Our inner quality control service examines each lot of seed after every stage of processing, in order to prove if the seed has been cleaned properly and to identify any potential anomaly, to be solved at the following stage. Moreover, we pay special attention to the meticulous cleaning of the machinery between two lots: indeed, the equipment has to be 100% clean.